Shachukul Gonpa School
“Why our school is so important in this region” …
by Sonam Dawa Principal of Shachukul Gonpa School
“In the Changtang area there is only our monastery boarding school so far. After the age of 12, students have to go to Leh or abroad
to continue their education. To get to Leh, you have to drive over the second highest passable road Passport of the Earth Education
in Leh with only one college is really the only way as many students cannot afford to go abroad – seldom can they graduate there.
But times are changing. The importance of education spreads like a wind…
and somehow parents are trying to give their kids a better education…
Our monastery school goes up to the 7th primary school class and is primarily attended by male nomad children.
They don’t yet know how important modern education is. Our Shachukul school is run by the “Chana Sherab Education Committee”
and supported by the teacher Stanzin Norboy Kopai.
We know that parents don’t take the money for their children able to afford (littlemonks).
So we try to support this and provide for their basic needs.
From my point of view, education is not just about completing a degree, but about knowing yourself and
your common sense to promote an ultimate sense of responsibility towards others.”
“I believe,
true education will always hunger you to learn new things,
which can obviously, promote our inner value…..”
Sonam Dawa
2024 - 15 years of Schachukul Gonpa School - Honor for participation and sponsorship

Photo: Headmaster Sonam Dawa and Susanne Mic
” We are honoured to invite Miss Susanne Mic, Mahamaya Drikung Förderkreis e.V.
to an important function at Shachukul Gonpa School
to commemorate 15th anniversary of Chen-Nga-Sherab Education Committee.”
2022 - Susanne Mic at Shachukul Gonpa School

Renovation needs of the Shachukul Gonpa School
2022 Summer – A new bathroom building for the Schachukul Gonpa School could already be financed with donations from the Nepal Hilfe Aachen e.V
We are very pleased to be able to partially finance the urgently needed renovation work, in order to be able to
guarantee the further undisturbed everyday school life of the children.
Many thanks to the Nepal Help Aachen e.v. for the great support. We will accompany this renovation with pictures from Schachukul.
Impressions from Shachukul
A film by Susanne Mic – nature teacher
With the diversity of nature, the children in the Himalayas build a sustainable ecological connection to their homeland.
Ambassador of the children of nature of the different countries
with Susanne Mic and Lama Konchok Gyaltsan, international ambassador, Ladakh, North India

Get to know the ambassadors of the children of nature personally, take part in one of their workshops and experience how the movement of the nature and forest children is active in the different countries.

Susanne Mic, nature teacher, works playfully with the children.
2020 – Construction of a greenhouse next to the school – Green House
Vision: Vegetable cultivation for self-sufficiency and as a school lesson